Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan  has been running a health programme  and health centre viz. Tribal Health Centre providing  health services to poor tribal peopleThis center has provision of 8 indoor beds & maternity and child centre. Forty villages have been adopted by the health center and 44 trained lady workers are working in the villages. The health center has introduced health cards to the families in the villages and also children reading in the village schools. Immunization programme is taken up in these villages.

The tribal health centre organizes health camps in different villages to create health awareness among the villagers.  



A health and Education Project named as “UNNAYAN”  is in operation  to improve the health and Educational development of children in the age group  of  3-6  years in 8  tribal dominated village viz.Saratpada, Dasgharia, Budhakhaman, Patulikota, Bhadhunidhada, Sahartagiri, Panasia and Masinajodi of Harichandanpur block.




 Five schools had been established at five villages in the year 1981 to provide free education to the tribal children at Gajamba,  Saratpada, Haladiapada, Balidanda,Sartpada  and Somagiri and later  handed over to the Govt.

  The Somagiri School was upgraded to High School in the year 1992.There is a hostel at Somagiri with provison to accommodate    100 boys and 50 girls..